Monday, May 30, 2011

Bring 'em Home

"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war." -- Albert Einstein

The best way we can honor our soldiers on Memorial Day is to bring them all home.


wstachour said...

Hear, hear. Far better not to have nearly so many of our young folks put into harm's way in the first place for somebody's political lark.

If only we could prioritize putting so many to work improving the country's infrastructure, building schools and roads, putting those who want thru college.

But you and I would prioritize differently, I guess. :-)

dbackdad said...

Wunelle said, "If only we could prioritize putting so many to work improving the country's infrastructure, building schools and roads, putting those who want thru college." -- It seems obvious, doesn't it? Invest now in our people and our country and you will reap the benefits later. But so many decisions are based on mysticism, bigotry, emotion and politics. Screw our future for short-term political gain.