Saturday, December 17, 2005

Bush is King

Is it just me or does it feel like we're in the middle of some kind of political thriller? Every day brings me face to face to some new revelation that 5 years ago I could not have even imagined would be happening in our country. In the face of news that the President secretly approved illegal eavesdropping (repeatedly) within our border, he is defiant and insists he will continue to do so. Furthermore, he blames those who revealed the illegal nature of what he was doing:

"The existence of this secret program was revealed in media reports after being improperly given to news organizations," Bush said. "Unauthorized disclosure damages our national security and puts our nation at risk ... Revealing this information is illegal."

Great quote by Senator Russ Feingold in response to Bush's admission:

"The President's shocking admission that he authorized the National Security Agency to spy on American citizens, without going to a court and in violation of the Constitution and laws passed by Congress, further demonstrates the urgent need for these protections. The President believes that he has the power to override the laws that Congress has passed. This is not how our democratic system of government works. The President does not get to pick and choose which laws he wants to follow. He is a president, not a king. On behalf of all Americans who believe in our constitutional system of government, I call on this Administration to stop this program immediately and to fully cooperate with congressional inquiries and investigations. We have had enough of an Administration that puts itself above the law and the Constitution."

It's nice to see that some Senators will call out this President. Also, they've at least temporarily stalled that abomination called the Patriot Act

Sometimes I think the tide is turning. Yesterday, we had a great conversation with a lady parked next to us at Target. She had 2 bumper stickers on her car: an Amnesty International sticker and a sticker that said "Not my president, still my country". Obviously a likeminded person and she complimented us on our bumper stickers. A few years ago, you could not see these kinds of conversations going on ... at least not in conservative Arizona. She also commented that you just don't see as many Bush stickers as you used to.


Jewish Atheist said...

He's got a really low approval rating. Unfortunately, it probably won't matter. The Republicans will put up some other empty shirt and tell people he's moral and strong while the Democrats will put up another unlikeable nerd with an unfocused, pessimistic message.

We Dems have GOT to nominate someone optimistic and likeable. Last time, I voted for Edwards for that reason, even though I didn't think he'd make the best president of the field. People just don't want to hear that the country's going to shit and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Maybe Obama can pull it off, but I think he's too young or "too" black. Maybe Warner, though he might be too boring.

We might win the midterms, which would be great, but it sounds like they're predicting it won't be enough to take back the House.

dbackdad said...

That's the area I'm most discouraged. I've lost faith in a lot of the leading Democrats (not in the party). In the interest of their political lives, they've abandoned the true principles of the party. I love Hillary and I'd probably support her in her candidacy but I've got a real problem with her stance on the war. As I've mentioned before, I'm ready to vote Lieberman off the island.

I really like Russ Feingold. He doesn't seem afraid to speak his mind and he seems onboard with true democratic principles.

greatwhitebear said...

Does it not amaze anyone that Bush has the hutzpah to play the kill the messenger card on the NYTimes. It was illegl to reveal this. Big fucking deal... It was illegal to do this, dickwad!

I fear that the next presidential election will set new records for voter turnout. There really aren't any attractive empty shirts left on the Republican side, either.

dbackdad said...

Yeah, it's a proud Bush family tradition to rail on the NY Times. If anything goes wrong in the world it's the Times' fault.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Oh yeah I feel the same way about the Bush presidency. It feels as though I am watching an epic, Greek tragedy saga. Although it seems like it will never end.

Laura said...

I find this state of affairs extremely frightening. More frightening are the droves of sheep simply pushing this aside and saying it's no big deal. Apathy is the tool of tyrants.

JA: Obama's too green yet... Give him a few years...

Eric said...

Apparently "shoot the messenger" has been extended to "shoot the whistleblowers".

It's the scientists causing all the global warming.

Bush is a douche.

Sadie Lou said...

Just want to wish you a merry Christmas!

greatwhitebear said...

Hope you and your family have a great holiday season and even better new year!

dbackdad said...

Sadie and GWB,
Thank you very much. Enjoy your families this holiday season. Merry Christmas!