"I despise my own nation most. Because I know it best. Because I still love it, suffering from Hope. For me, that's patrotism." -- Edward Abbey
9 hours ago
"I despise my own nation most. Because I know it best. Because I still love it, suffering from Hope. For me, that's patrotism." -- Edward Abbey
Happy 4th July. Did you and the family have a good time?
Thank you sir. We're mostly laying low this weekend. Drunken revelers and a new law allowing the public to buy fireworks is not a healthy mix.
We did catch X-Men: First Class yesterday, and liked it.
dbackdad said: We did catch X-Men: First Class yesterday, and liked it.
Me too - liking it that is. It was the first X-Men movie that I really liked and also one of the few super-hero movies that I honestly enjoyed.
dbackdad said: Drunken revelers and a new law allowing the public to buy fireworks is not a healthy mix.
I'd be more worried about the drunken revelers carrying fire*arms* rather than fire*works*!
This is another of those scenarios where I'm glad others celebrate, but I'm happy to lay low and (at most) maybe catch some fireworks from my back yard.
CK -- "I'd be more worried about the drunken revelers carrying fire*arms* rather than fire*works*! - Indeed. We have those too ... usually the same people.
Wunelle -- There have been plenty of years where we went to the big shindigs in Phoenix or Scottsdale, but as I get older, hanging out in 110 degree weather with 100,000 of my closest friends doesn't have the appeal it once did.
Dear Blogger: What a sad lead-in comment that you hate your country. Somehow, I feel you are merely showing your cynicism because of all the politics. The 56 men who were brave enough to pen their names to the Declaration of Independence suffered mightily for your freedom of expression. Couldn't you have shared a balanced statement of hate and love?
This is the only country I have ever known and, as a result, have always loved it. I, too, have felt hate for various aspects of my country, but that has always been because of frail, faulty, mean & downright nasty PEOPLE ... not the basic goodness inherent in this country's soul as laid down by those 56 men. They gave up their comfortable lives to stand against the occupying nation, Britain, and suffered terribly as a result. Some were captured and tortured by British forces; others died penniless after their estates and property were confiscated; one man had to hide for years, and when he was finally able to return, there was no home, no wife and children.
A different perspective to consider from our safe & secure perch, wouldn't you say?
Oh, well, just realized that Edward Abbey was quoted here....my opinion as written still stands, however, even if he won't be reading it. LOL
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