Friday, September 02, 2005

Low-Interest Loans?

Bush, you fucking moron! I'm tired of being politically correct and even-keeled about this. People are broke, dying, without a home, without food and the best that our Mayberry Machiavellian can do is say that there will be "low interest loans" for people to re-build. You don't understand! These people have nothing. Cut them a fucking check! The cost of rebuilding ($50 to 60 billion) is a drop in the bucket compared to what we've spent in Iraq. Are you giving the people of Iraq "low interest loans? You heartless demagogue. Low-interest -- you know what that means? Somebody will be making money off of these people's suffering. On top of that, check this out:

Halliburton gets Katrina contract, hires former FEMA director

Are we even surprised? Bush and Cheney's cronies are profiting off of people's pain, just like in Iraq.

And FEMA is clueless: The big disconnect on New Orleans

Maybe it's finally time that other Republicans are seeing this administration for what it is:

Senator Vitter gives the "federal government a grade 'F' for its response to the disaster so far"

"... puts into question all of the Homeland Security and Northern Command planning for the last four years, because if we cannot respond faster than this to an event we saw coming across the Gulf for days, then why do we think we are prepared to respond to a nuclear or biological attack?" -- Newt Gingrich

And the world is paying attention on this one too. No free pass like Sept. 11 for Bush:

"Casual to the point of careless -- UK

Storm brews around Bush leadership -- New Zealand

And to you koolaid drinking Righties who think you can somehow defend what has happened, bring it on.


Laura said...

Give them something for free? That's a godless socialist comment, that don't fly here in the Good Ol' God's Blessed U. S of A! What are you, some kind of commie? Ugh, that is sickening. My question is this - how will they make payments with no jobs?

dbackdad said...

Viva La Revolucion!


greatwhitebear said...


greatwhitebear said...

that should say "fridge"

dbackdad said...

Mmmmmm. Beer. I'm on that too.

dbackdad said...

Not to beat a dead horse, but here's Russert just filleting Chertoff:

Russert tears up Homeland chief