Saturday, September 10, 2005

STFU nominees Sept. 4-10

Here are a couple of new ones:

"Price "gougers" save lives." -- ABC News's John Stossel, nominating price gougers for sainthood. Next he'll be praising serial killers for keeping the population under control.

Hurricane "finally cleaned out public housing in New Orleans" -- Rep. Baker of Baton Rouge. Unfortunately, the flood didn't take out the rats.

"The congressman likened their stay to being at camp and asked, 'Now tell me the truth boys, is this kind of fun?'" -- Tom DeLay, visiting evacuees in Houston. Like I said, this sad, sad man could be nominated for this award every day.

And our past nominees:

Tom DeLay on the government response
Pat Robertson on the good that the Hurrican has brought to John Roberts
Barbara Bush -- that matriarch of virtue and compassion

Post any other worthy nominees and we'll announce the winner late Sunday.


Sadie Lou said...

This nominee doesn't have to be accepted but I wanted to point out that Hillary Clinton is using Katrina as a platform:

Nobody should exploit this situation THAT early...come on. I agree with her in that there needs to be an investigation as to the delay--but right now? And to get people to notice you?
Bad form.

Laura said...

Now the true face of social conservatism is coming to light. Gee whiz boys! This is GRRRREAT. We got rid of the poor darkies in Loozi-anna. Too bad the flood didn't just up and kill'em all. This makes me SO SO angry.

dbackdad said...

I hear ya Laura. For about the last week I've been about a width of a hair from going postal. Then I remember I'm a pacifist and hate guns. But a guy can dream, can't he?