Wednesday, January 11, 2006

God is Punishing Us

Ah, nothing like our religious voices being understanding in times of need (WV mine disaster):

"We often turn to God only when we feel like nothing else can be done. And, in the Bible, God rebuked nations who only turned to Him in their most extreme moments of need. That has been our tradition in the United States. Whenever we find ourselves in a situation where we get to the end of our own resources, we turn to God." -- Conservative Christian leader Rob Schenck of the National Clergy Council

Instead of being compassionate for those who died and their families, Schenck thought it was more important to criticize society for not being more Christian. Perhaps his ire should be aimed at a so-called Christian President that has gutted the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration and reduced the amount of mine safety teams.

If one were Christian, you would think that you would not want people like Schenck and Pat Robertson speaking for you. But the collective cognitive dissonance of a large percentage of Christians allows them to forgive anything of a person as long as they say they are men of God.

Speaking of our friend Pat, Israel has wisely cancelled a business deal with Mr. Robertson due to his comments of last week that said Ariel Sharon's stroke was God punishing him for pulling out of Gaza.

If there were a God, I have a hard time imagining that Pat Robertson would be the image of Christianity that he (oops ... should that be HE?) would want to be seen. And if God was truly in the business of striking people down, the tripe that Robertson utters would have to be blasphemous. God ... that's your cue.


CyberKitten said...

This reminds me of the Free Will argument. God gave us Free Will but will punish us if we exercise it in any way other than believing in Him. That's not MY idea of Free Will.

As I've said before - Pat Robinson & his like give Christians a REALLY bad name. When he mouths off (as he seems to like to do) maybe leaders in the Christian community should denounce him...?

Oh.. and superb cartoon!

Laura said...

I seriously don't understand why the Christian majority of this country doesn't hunt them down, gag them, and lock them in a bomb shelter somewhere...

Remember also, that there are people who actually AGREE with those nutbags.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Great post. I have a hard time understanding Pat Robertson's crap. However, even harder for me to understand is how he STILL has supporters. Just goes to show how blind faith is no faith at all.

dbackdad said...

Seems that Pat has decided to apologize:

Pat Robertson

Forgive me for doubting his contrition. He's sorry when a billion dollar project is involved but I sure didn't hear apologies about his Chavez and Dover comments ... when no big project was on the line.

Eric said...

Pat is a transparent gasbag. My satisfaction lies in knowing that if heaven and hell exist, then Pat isn't headed where he thinks he is.

Sadie Lou said...

Pat is a transparent gasbag. My satisfaction lies in knowing that if heaven and hell exist, then Pat isn't headed where he thinks he is.

Does that make me a bad person if I agree with you? I was hoping things would end for Pat kinda like at the end of The Bad Seed--with a crack of thunder and a bolt of lightening.

greatwhitebear said...

Pat, Jimmy, and Oral, protestantism's Three Stooges!

Wait a minute... if Oral= Shemp, does James Dobson= Curly?

Laura said...

Bear: What about Falwell and Graham? Ralph Reed's another one with fishy background, though he's been keeping his mouth shut lately. I'm thinking more the 7 dwarves: Dopey, Stingey, Bigot, ...

Eric said...

Sadie - AFAIK agreeing with me isn't specifically illegal or sinful (yet.)