Monday, January 09, 2006

Zoo Lights

An overall pretty good weekend. Saturday night we went to Zoo Lights at the Phoenix Zoo. It's pretty much self-explanatory. Zoo ... lights ... at night. Pretty simple but it entertains the kids and is fairly popular out here.

The last one is not bad photography. I purposely had a longer exposure and moved the camera to get a goofy effect. Though, by my wife's tepid response to the picture (and my explanation of it), it still may be bad photography. Just not accidental bad photography. More like well-thought-out, lame, bad photography. They're penguins, by the way.

On Sunday, we went and saw the Coyotes get thumped by Columbus. But the game was really secondary. Though Alex and I have went to a few games already, it was Michelle's first in the new arena. So, Michelle and Alex spent a lot of time wandering around exploring the place. And I was able to watch the game, beer in hand, in relative peace.


Sadie Lou said...

My kids would LOVE that Zoo Lights. It's like christmas lights--'cept...not.

dbackdad said...

It was actually pretty cool. Lights in parts of the park were coordinated with Christmas music that was playing.

Laura said...

Lincoln Park Zoo does Zoo lights too. I think they're cute. That photo is artistic! focused pictures are so... blah ;)