Sunday, July 16, 2006

Gone Fishing ...

The wife and kid abandoned me this week to visit her family in Iowa:

So, I pretty much just slaved away at work but did get a chance to slip away for the weekend to Kaibab Lake near Williams, AZ with my folks. This is the same place that we went camping a few times last year (Aug. '05):

We had a good time, caught a few fish, grilled steak and corn, and I got to catch up on a lot of reading that I don't allow myself when I'm surgically attached to this stinking computer. Some of the more interesting articles: Three Days in Rome -- about how our current Iran policy is being driven by the same people who were involved with Iran/Contra, and Every Breath You Take -- about the hidden costs of air pollution and how fixing the pollution is actually cheaper than letting it go.

I'm working on a post that will talk about the different way people work for their causes or beliefs and how unintentionally they can hurt their cause. I'll do that through contrasting two recent movies that I've seen, Good Night and Good Luck and Grizzly Man.


Scott said...

Wow, two really good movies. I'm actually looking forward to this.

Sadie Lou said...

Oh. I am SOOOOO curious as to what you thought of Grizzly Man. I watched this movie while I was on a Youth Group retreat.
I was staying in a cabin that belongs to some people I go to church with. I'm not all that comfortable with these people since I only really know them from church--yet here we all were, sitting in their livingroom and watching TV. We're flipping channels and the beginning of Grizzly Man is catching our attention.
Needless to say, our watching this movie together created an instant bond between us and it will go down as one of my favorites.
Do a review soon!

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Glad that you had a good time.

By the way, children are signing bombs meant for Lebanon. Check out the pix here at my blog: