Great article by Murray Waas at the American Prospect:
An Unlikely Story
The gist of the story is that Rove's alibis, or lack thereof, are getting him in hot water with the investigators because it proves that he mislead the FBI.
This whole affair may get to the point where the event that started it becomes trivial because the deception and cover-up afterwards exceeds it. What does that remind you of?
To all those talking heads and right wing bloggers who say "It's Over" because that's what the word on high said (talking points) ... wishful thinking. As Mark Wahlberg says in the Italian Job, "It's over when I say it's over".
9 hours ago
did you just quote Marky Mark?
just checking.
you guys should come by again one of these days, the kitchen is slowly coming together.
He-he!! I know, I feel bad. I think that’s the 2nd time I’ve quoted the Italian Job here. It’d qualify as one of my guilty pleasure movies. When I was writing the entry, I had that quote in my head but couldn’t remember where it came from. So to attribute it correctly, I googled it.
New info on Plame memo:
Plame's Identity Marked As Secret
I think come this fall a lot of heads are gonna roll.
GWB: I dunno... they'll find some way to squeal out of it. Plus, they have an advantage: the public doesn't seem to care. And once they bring up more gay-marriage ammendments or some shit for the Fall 2006 elections - it will be "Valerie who?"...
dbackdad: How's the heat in AZ? Stayin cool?
As if our 116 degree days weren't enough, the monsoon season started this week ... so we have the added bonus of humidity. There's been something like a dozen or more heat related deaths just in the last week.
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