Thursday, July 07, 2005


"We will fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here" -- George W. Bush

So how's that working out for you George and Tony? I suggest you read Imperial Hubris. Asses!

Our heart-felt sympathies go out to those who died, were hurt, and their families in the London bombings.

Nice post on dailykos that shows that terrorist attacks have increased under Bush ... not decreased.

But we've raised our alert level to orange. That's the Bush answer to terrorism ... stupid friggin' color coding. You'd have to think the $300 billion wasted in Iraq could have been used instead to actually protect us.


dbackdad said...

As if we needed any proof, the people at Fox News are morons:

"attack ... works to ... Western world's advantage"

greatwhitebear said...

damn... I'm speachless. to quote Jon Stewart, "What is wrong with these people?" Leave it to Fox!

dbackdad said...

The point of our blogs is so that we can do stream-of-consciousness posts. Write what you are feeling at any time and our little forum of readers will always help us refine our point.