Monday, February 20, 2006

Jump in the Fire

Alright, I've been holding back some of my partisan political fire for awhile. I've got to let some of it out or I'll explode. Here goes ...

You wonder why our government is so hopelessly clueless about the environment and global warming? W consults with novelist Michael "Jurassic Brain" Crichton:

White House won't say whether they consider novelist global warming expert

The President could take on Dr. Seuss and Salvador Dali as consultants and not have a more surreal set of policies.


Did anybody see Mary Matalin's, the Wicked Witch of Washington, performance on Meet the Press this week?

The Mary Matalin Horror Show

Bizarre. She went beyond being a hired wacko apologist for Dick Cheney. She turned the volume to 11 and went straight to unhinged psycho. It's hard to believe that she could actually make Cheney look even worse. Here's one exchange with David Gregory:

GREGORY: The vice president's office doesn't feel an obligation to disclose that to the American people directly. You do it through a ranch owner in Texas? It just -- it just strikes me as odd.

MATALIN: It strikes you as odd because you live in a parallel universe....

GREGORY: If you thought he did everything right... why did you do a big national interview this week?

MATALIN: Because you went on a jihad, David. For four days you went on a Jihad.

GREGORY: And that's an unfortunate use of that word, by the way. This is not what that was.

I'm a big fan of James Carville, but there have been several occasions where I seriously question his judgment in marrying this woman.


Only the Republicans would have the audacity, the hubris, to say they are for meaningful lobbying reforms while doing the following:
  • Appointing as new House Majority Leader, John Boehner. A man who rents an apartment at below market value from a lobbyist, goes on vacation to the Caribbean with his two lobbyist friends, and is famous for having handed out checks from tobacco lobbyists on the House floor.
  • Disgraced and indicted former Majority Leader, Tom DeLay, is ever-so-lightly punished by getting a powerful Appropriations Committee seat. A seat which was ironically vacated by bribe-taker Duke "The Duke-stir" Cunningham. Hard to believe that seat could sink any further in repute. But just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, DeLay also gets an appointment to a subcommittee that is overseeing the Justice Department and it's investigation of Jack Abramoff. The phrase "fox guarding the henhouse" comes to mind.


Laura said...

Jeez, where to begin. Michael Crichton a global warming expert??? The man who wrote a book as a sequel to a movie that changed the story of the original book? What a hack.

My theory is that Carville has a thing for trannies. She's totally a dude. And I love the Malefacent picture - she's my favorite Disney villan.

As for lobby reform - it's all about posturing for the 2006 interim elections. Nothing more.

dbackdad said...

"Da-da, da-da ... dude looks like a lady!"

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

My wife read the Crichton book and she then read me some excerpts. His angle is so skewed that reading it makes one dizzy. It's total bunk.

CyberKitten said...

The Crichton story surprised me a bit too... Maybe GWB thinks its real? I used to quite like Cricton until he wrote 'State of Fear' - Now its unlikely I'll ever buy a book by him again.

greatwhitebear said...

My theory on Carvelle is it's the sex. Mentally unbalanced women are great in bed... trust me, I dated one. It's that pain/pleasure thing. The greater the mental pain infliceted, the more intense the physical pleasure.

and cyberkitten, watch how you throw those initials around... I briefly was trying to remember what Chrichton book I could possibly have thought was real!

CyberKitten said...

GWB said: and cyberkitten, watch how you throw those initials around... I briefly was trying to remember what Chrichton book I could possibly have thought was real!

Oops...! Sorry about that. [grin] Never noticed until you pointed it out. I shall, of course, be more careful in future!