Tuesday, July 04, 2006

July 4th

"... What? the land of the free?
Whoever told you that is your enemy?" -- Rage Against the Machine

July 4th reminds us of what was going on in the heads of our founders when they established this country. Like an independent judiciary:

Did Bush Commit War Crimes?

Those that love this country would respect the checks and balances supposedly inherent in our system. Not the Republicans. Senator Lindsey Graham feels the need to "rein it in" (Supreme Court). They feel that the Geneva Convention should not apply to the U.S.:

Gonzales, top Republicans anticipate law authorizing Gitmo military commissions

But it doesn't end with just crippling our judiciary and ignoring international law. It extends to the President consciously and openly ignoring our own laws:

Signing Away the Constitution
" ... more than 100 signing statements containing over 500 constitutional challenges President Bush has added to new laws passed by the Congress -- many times more than any of his predecessors.

While he has never vetoed a law, many constitutional scholars say the president is, in effect, exercising a "line item veto" by giving himself authority to waive parts of laws he doesn't like.

The practice has infuriated members of Congress in both parties because it threatens to diminish their power. They consider it an assault on the notion that the constitution establishes the United States' three branches of government -- legislative, judicial, and executive -- as co-equal ..."

Chris Durang has a great column on Huffington Post about how the right has hijacked July 4th and patriotism through history:

July 4th -- Now and in the '50's
"... Starting around the time of the Vietnam war, and the protests against that war, the flag was claimed by the conservative, pro-Vietnam war people as Their Flag. They hijacked that symbol so it represented their point of view. If you loved America and loved the flag, you supported your country whenever they said it was time to go to war. Criticizing the war was seen as disloyal ..."

Abraham Lincoln once said:

"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him."

Bush and this administration may be proud of America but America should not be proud of them. History will mark the true patriots of this generation as Jack Murtha, Cindy Sheehan, etc. and those that weren't afraid to speak up when they saw our flag being trampled on by those who don't respect the rights that this country were established on. These Mayberry Machiavellians in the administration are so worried about desecration of the flag that they forget what it actually represents.

What does it matter that we have these documents and these institutions if the government will just bypass them? We have a government that has mistaken nationionalism for patriotism, suppresion of rights for security. I'll fly my flag again when this country is not hijacked by the Right. When "one nation" has meaning again.


Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Well said. "Hear, hear!!!"

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

By the way, I'm an ex-Mormon and I've read that book on your site, "Under the Banner of Heaven" and it is EXCELLENT.

dbackdad said...

James -- Thanks on both counts. I haven't read as much of that book as I would have liked. I have a terrible habit of reading about a half dozen books at once and taking forever. But I have read the first few chapters. I really liked Krakauer's book Into Thin Air. There are a lot of Mormons in Arizona and we just had the Colorado City thing go on this last year or two where they are still looking for the head of the splinter Mormon sect up there.

Laura said...

I just keep wondering when it will all stop. I would like to believe that it will be soon. However, my cynical side seems to be winning lately. I can't help but think that we (the 'merican people) are just too apathetic to actually care anymore. I see us circling the drain.

greatwhitebear said...

I am so angry and depressed by the state of the nation, and the stupidity of the majority of it's inhabitants, I can scarcely make myself pay attention to the news anymore.

Or talk about these things. It just leaves me in a rage.

dbackdad said...

I know the feeling. It makes it really hard to enjoy a holiday that I used to like. July 4th is so rife with jingoism and sabre-rattling that I can barely stand it. I'm actually embarrassed with the sight of a prominently displayed flag. How sad is that? It shouldn't be this way.