Sunday, September 25, 2005

1984 Revisited

See what I'm talking about? This is getting just a little bit scary:

Fresh From Iraq, Private Security Forces Roam the Streets of an American City With Impunity

People are losing every possession they have, yet private security forces are making $350 a day? And we're footing that bill kids. And they are working under their own supervision.

And how about the issue of radio tags?

Being a computer professional, I subscribe to quite a few trade magazines. Usually, I just skim through them. But an article on a new technology caught my eye. That technology being RFID:

RFID -- radio frequency identification. Refers to the technology that uses devices attached to objects that transmit data to an RFID receiver. These devices can be large pieces of hardware the size of a small book like those attached to ocean containers or very small devices inserted into a label on a package. RFID has advantages over bar codes such as the ability to hold more data, the ability to change the stored data as processing occurs, does not require line-of-sight to transfer data and is very effective in harsh environments where bar code labels won't work.

One company is thinking of having the RFID's attached to armbands or uniforms of workers. I'm sorry, but it's just a little too like having Big Brother watching my every move. Evidently some workers in the UK agree:

Tracked Workers Outraged Over RFID Tagging


Sadie Lou said...

My husband has to deal with global positioning systems in his company truck.
He can't even come home to use the bathroom.
A few bad apples ruin things for everyone else.

Laura said...

I've also heard stories about police in New Orleans going through abandonned areas and looting things from houses and businesses. It's terrible to think how helpless we really are. I mean, if the government wanted to declare martial law, it'd be pretty easy

JCMasterpiece said...

One company is thinking of having the RFID's attached to armbands or uniforms of workers. I'm sorry, but it's just a little too like having Big Brother watching my every move

It is much worse than that. Believe it or not, i do have a number of criticisms of the Bush administration and this is one of them. I posted this article on the Real ID Act before we ever started in on each other, and i'm sure you had a nice long post on it as well. Needless to say, i have a great deal of issues concerning this... "Our security" my...!!! :-x

dbackdad said...

JC, Just read your post on your blog. Agree wholeheartedly.

Laura said...

EEK, that is creepy JC

JCMasterpiece said...

EEK, that is creepy JC

I'll say. I'm surprised that dback didn't do a huge set of posts on this when it first occured (unless i missed it somewhere). This is right up his alley.

JCMasterpiece said...

This is creepy.

Well, since the Real ID's are supposed to be out by 2008, the creep-fest is about to begin. I especially love this quote: Homeland Security is permitted to add additional requirements--such as a fingerprint or retinal scan--on top of those. We won't know for a while what these additional requirements will be. ...if we ever really do.

What next? Barcodes tattooed on our arms?

Close, really close. After all it's a lot harder to steal a person's identity if the card is really in their arm.

After all, sometimes we have to make a few sacrifices for the sake of security. I mean, what's more important the rights to freedom and privacy, or the confidence that the government is taking care of and doing what is "conducive to the good and the benefit of one and all".

greatwhitebear said...

speaking of radio tags, the Netherlands just announced thaat all incoming immigrants wil be radio tagged henceforth.

The Zombieslayer said...

Dbackdad - This is happening because good people are doing nothing to stop it. We control our own Fate, and our indifference and apathy are coming back to haunt us.

dbackdad said...


I agree completely.