I will begin this by saying I'm not offended if you say 'Merry Christmas' to me. Despite the irony, I often say Merry Christmas myself. But I'm sick of this horseshit pushed by Fox News and even encouraged by mainstream media that there is a war on Christmas. Many companies, mine included, choose to say Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings. This is for many reasons. It is not a weakness to acknowledge that the whole world is not Christian and to be mindful of that. Also, you have to understand that the holiday has come to mean more (and perhaps less) than what the original Christian intent may have been. Cyberkitten has a great couple of posts on her blog, Seeking a Little Truth, that can do a much better job than I of explaining. So much of Christian mythology is just that ... mythology ... most likely borrowed from earlier civilizations.
Most holidays, whether you like it or not, morph from whatever their meaning may have once meant. And that's OK. Most people don't know what the true meaning of some holidays are. Their true origins would be surprising to most ... especially Christians. The beginnings of Easter, for example, predate Jesus by several centuries and have pagan origins. The celebration began (and continues to be) as a celebration of the fertility of the earth and most of its popular symbols represent that (the chick, the egg, the rabbit, etc.). The Christian church tried to reinterpret the holiday but the persistence of those early symbols attests to their strength.
And right-wing religious nut job organizations like the American Family Association, who purport to be "pro-family", are the ones that manufacture these so-called controversies. Groups like these have the ears of millions of Christians and could do so much good with that power, yet choose it to preach hate and to manufacture non-existent controversies. If I was the owner of any of the companies boycotted by AFA, I would not even give them the time of day. First of all, they do not represent all Christians. Secondly, they are selective if what they deem to be offensive. They will complain about Target having displays that say "Happy Holidays" but they seem to have no problem with Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart destroys small businesses, does not allow workers to have a living wage, descriminates in hiring and in promotions, etc. Please explain to me how those things are Christian.
9 hours ago
Hi dbackdad. Thanks for the cite.
It's difficult indeed to think of any tradition that didn't pay homage to an earlier one. Obviously traditions had to start somewhere... but you could probably trace most of them back till they are lost in pre-history. Many of the Christian stories are no exception to these.
As to the 'War on Christmas' - we've had a bit of that over here too. What nonesense. Some people (often with the best intentions) wanted a more 'inclusive' Holiday season rather than a Christmas one - and the Right Wing media (bless 'em) went to town on the whole thing. Fortunately we seem to be a little more.... sensible about the whole thing and its been (almost) quickly forgotten. No one has been fired or has had to publically apologise for anything.
Life goes on pretty much as it always has.. except for shortages of tangerines (apparently)
Hope you and yours had a pleasent Christmas..
We had a great one. Entirely too much food. I'm paying for it now.
Hope you enjoyed yours as well.
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