Saturday, September 03, 2005

Be Charitable Locally

"Defer not charities till death; for certainly, if a man weigh it rightly, he that doth so is rather liberal of another man's than of his own." -- Francis Bacon

It's sad that it takes an event like this to remind us of it, but all that can should help out in their local communities as much as possible ... even if it doesn't directly affect those from Hurrican Katrina.

Today, with our friends the Burleys, we volunteered at the Westside Food Bank, sorting food. My wife's and the Burley's church regularly volunteer there. There are many other great organizations here and in other communities that are helping the needy.

Supposely, over 1000 refugees from the hurricane will be coming to the Valley. We've already offered our home through and would encourage anyone else in communities expecting refugees to do the same. But even if you don't, give of your time and your money to help those in need locally.

1 comment:

dbackdad said...

I have to applaud Texas, and Houston specifically, for the great job they have done with evacuees. Unlike the federal response, it looks like they actually did planning and had contingencies for a disaster of this magnitude.

Exodus of Humanity