How much more evidence do we need before this administration will admit there is global warming ... and to take the steps necessary to do something about it:
Antarctic ice shelf collapse linked to global warming
Environmental damage seen from shuttle
This rapture mentality that pervades some of the right allows them to discount any global warming talk because it won't really matter when Armageddon comes. There are others who may not believe in the rapture but still think you can do anything to the Earth because it will recover. They are right ... it will recover, long after we have exterminated ourselves.
As we have seen from previous posts, religion is not a substitute for science. That is not a criticism. It just means that you can have your beliefs but still respect the world you live in and those who live in it. Many churches, thankfully, are coming around to this way of thinking:
God’s Earth is Sacred
But unfortunately, some have not.
9 hours ago
The damn the planet full speed ahead to rapture crowd is a tiny (albeit vocal) minority in the spectrum of christianity. Most churches have long ago done away with the idea that science is heresy and embraced it, it's this one tiny group that makes the 99% of sane intelligent, christians look like bozos.
I agree with you. Unfortunately for all of us it seems the "damn the planet full speed ahead to rapture" crowd is also in charge of our government at the moment... ;-)
Hey Josh,
Do you work with Eric? I used to work with Eric back in the day (about 8 years ago).
You have a really slick looking blog. That figures. All of Eric's work buddies have way too many brains in their heads. :-)
The only reason I said "many" instead of "most" is because of personal experience. My wife is Catholic but now goes to a Lutheran church. I was raised Methodist. Our son went to a Lutheran pre-school. My grandfather is Assembly of God. I've had too many unfavorable impressions from a lot of those churches to be able to give the benefit of the doubt to churches as a whole.
Yeah I worked with him at neoplanet, we rode in san diego once, canyon by my house.
And I knew exactly what you meant, but it's really embarrassing to be associated with that group in any way so I like differentaite (sp?) as much as possible
Unfortunately global warming is not "this administration('s)" fault. This is something that has been around for long before the Bush administration ever came along. Ultimately, much of the global warming problem is not the fault of first world nations. As such there is not much that first world nations can do other than what they are doing and putting a little more pressure on nations like Mexico who don't have strict polution laws, whose cars don't have catalitic converters and whose factories dump out tons of polutants per day. 10% of the worlds polution being cleaned can not compensate for 90% of the polutants being dumped out. It has to be an international effort. The problem isn't this administration any more than it was the Clinton administration. It's a world problem.
(leaving soapbox)
The Kyoto treaty would have bound counties to emissions standards - but by bowing out, Bush said that global warming isn't a concern at all. We can do SOMETHING. Sure it's not all our fault, but that's like saying that it's not your fault that your neighbor's house is on fire, so why bother helping him put it out.
I agree. Global warming doesn't happen overnight. I'm not saying this administration started it. I'm just saying they don't want to admit it is happening. And they've gutted environemental legislation.
Josh, I remember that ride. I was such a wus as compared to you guys.
Okay, don't even get me started on churchs. As for this administration, arrogance iand ignorance go hand in hand.
"Arrogance and ignorance" ... reminds me of an exchange in Bull Durham that always makes me laugh:
Look, Nuke--these Big League hitters are gonna light you up like a pin ball machine for awhile--don't worry about it. Be cocky and arrogant even when you're getting beat. That's the secret.
You gotta play this game with fear and arrogance.
Fear and ignorance.
No. Fear and arrogance, you, hayseed, not ignorance!
(smiles calmly)
I know. I just like to see you get all worked up.
Speaking of churches (but on an unrelated topic), ours out here are doozies:
Bishop ban targets pro-abortion, gay rights politicians
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