Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Vigil for Cindy Sheehan

My son Alex and I were fortunate enough to be able to attend the candlelight vigil for Cindy Sheehan at 24th St. & Camelback in Phoenix tonight. It was heartening to see 500+ people together in a common cause against this unjustified war. The great attitude of the attendees was expected ... it was the reactions by the traffic going by that I didn't expect. It was overwhelmingly positive!!

In a red state like Arizona, you can usually plan on more than a few expletives shouted out windows or people flipping the bird. But in the hour or so we were there, the worst thing I saw was someone driving by holding a Bush/Cheney sign out their window ... that was it. Everyone else waved, honked their horns, gave thumbs up, etc.

You really get the feeling that the middle part of the political spectrum is getting sick of the war and high gas prices. And it's not lost on them that a soft-spoken mother of a fallen soldier has scared the leader of the free world into his little hole in Texas.

1 comment:

Laura said...

People's attitudes are starting to shift about this war. The jury is in - there were no WMD, Bush lied, and is still lying, can't admit a mistake, has no exit strategy. I think people in the moderate spectrum are starting to wake up. They just need a strong symbol to put their message behind - and Sheehan seems to be it.