Friday, August 19, 2005


Interesting plan on the introduction of large mammals in parts of North America where there is more space and less population than in Africa:

Big game 'could roam US plains'

It sounds like a nutty idea but it would actually help to maintain ecosystems. Something to think about.


Laura said...

I dunno about this one. I could see if Elephants and Tigers etc actually did roam the plains. But given our track record of trying to introduce foreign species to solve a problem, thus causing larger problems... i just don't know

dbackdad said...

I'd probably agree with you. It was just an interesting concept that I'd never heard about before. I doubt this ever gets beyond the idea stage.

greatwhitebear said...

thing is..if they coulda survied the changing climate and ecosystem, they'd still be here. There is a reason they have long since depated our shores.

Bringing them back now would only increase stresses on the flora and fauna that is here now.

JCMasterpiece said...

It's an interesting idea. In theory it may work, but i agree with laura's concerns. Introducing non-native creatures into the ecosystem can have unexpected results as has been seen on multiple occasions.

There was even a Simpson episode about this with Bart bringing a bullfrog to Austrailia.

The idea does have some merit though.

What amused me the most was this quote "But if people hear the one-hour version, they realise they haven't thought about this as much as we have." Well yeah, if you can do a one hour presentation on something chances are you have thougth more about it than someone who hasn't.

Gretchen said...

After the elephants and tigers are here, then what is next?

I know! Lets bring back the wooly mamoth! Yeah, that's the ticket. Of course, then we'll need to bring a caveman back to live with them....